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The underlying point is actually incorrect, we feel (quite potently) the heat of the Sun and the Sun is a star like any other. However, as the question is likely talking about stars other than the sun, the heat actually does reach Earth, but because of the distance traveled, is a very minute amount of heat (only a few degrees above absolute freezing). This small amount of heat is eclipsed by the immense amount of heat that the Earth receives from the Sun and from internal radioactive heat generation in the Earth's core. As a result, humans cannot feel it.

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8y ago

The stars appear much dimmer than the sun because they are much farther away.

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9y ago

We feel the heat from our Sun, which is a star, because it is close to Earth. Other stars are so far away, their heat is lost in the vastness of space.

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Q: Why don't the stars shine as bright as the sun?
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Yes because if the sun didn't shine it won't be bright

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The suns light reflects it. ANSWER; The sun rays hits the moon and reflects light of consequence

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It reflects light from the sun.

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Innumerable stars are there in the space. Our sun is also a star. Almost all stars shine because of fusion of hydrogen nuclei.

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noone knows there are many large stars very far away we dont have the technoligy to go that far. Many of the bright stars we can see are larger than the Sun.

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The brightest stars are a few million times as bright as our Sun.

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Are bright stars small?

No, some stars are bigger than the sun :O