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The rates at which the earth rotates, the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun don't sync up exactly over the course of a day or month. That complex motion means at some points in the month the moon is in the earth's shadow, and/or may not be on the side of the earth to be visible from a particular location.

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Q: Why don't you see the moon every day?
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Why do you see the moon differently each day?

because the moon roataes every night

What time of the year do people see a full Moon?

You can see a full moon any time of the year. (But not every day of course)

Is a full moon everyday of the year?

You can not see the whole moon every day or (night). The moon does not shrink, or disappear. It is just the place and angle you are at, because you can not see it.

Why don't we see a full moon every night?

because the position of the moon between the earth and the sun only allows us to see part of it. hence the 28 day cycle in which we can see a full moon once every 28 days.

Why dont you see moon and stars in day?

You do see the moon in the day time. About 14 days out of 28 days you see the moon between sun-up to sun-set at any given spot on the Earth. Different 14 days for diffrent locations on the Earth.

Why don't you see the full moon every day?

Because of the moon's orbit around Earth, and the Earth's rotation around the sun...

How long can you see the moon in the day?

You can see the moon for about 8 hours in the day

What phase of the moon is hardest to see?

The smallest moon whuch is i dont remember The smallest moon whuch is i dont remember

Can you see the moon and the sky from the desert?

Of course. The sky looks a little different depending on where you are on earth but you can still see the stars, the moon and the sun every day no matter where you are on earth.

Can you see the moon and stars at day time?

You can see the moon sometimes

Why is it sometimes you can see the moon in the day and sometimes you can't see it at night?

u cant see the moon at night when its new moon I'm not sure about the day

Why you don't see moon everyday?

The only day on which you generally do not see the Moon is on the day of the "new" moon, when the Moon is quite near the Sun in the sky. On any other day of the 29-day cycle, you will - weather permitting! - be able to see the Moon, either in the morning or in the evening.