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Other planets can't be inhabited by humans because they can't support life.They don't have an atmosphere with enough mixture of right gasses to sustain life.Other planets also don't have simple water in a consumable form.

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Q: Why is Earth habitable to humans and not other planets?
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Is the earth the only habitable planet?

For us humans and our animal companions, it is the only habitable planet known to us at the present time. There is a possibility that there are other planets within the Universe that we could inhabit if we could get to them, but the Universe is massive and we currently know very little about the planets within it.

Why earth is the only habitable planet?

earth is the only known habitable place because its the only one with water, food, and has the right temperature range for life as we know it, but scientists are discovering planets a lot like earth, but none are habitable for humans

How many planets are habital?

Other than Earth, no planets have been confirmed to be habitable. We do know of planets in other star systems upon which liquid water could theoretically exist but we can't measure the composition of the planets atmospheres therefore we can't know for certain whether or not they are habitable.

Are there more humans in other planets?

No, the Earth is the only planet with Humans.

How many planets of the solar system are at Stargate?

The only planet from our solar system that has been mentioned in the Stargate series is Earth. Other planets do not have stargates, since from the beginning the planets are not habitable.

What makes earth dffer from other planets?

Earth is in the so called habitable zone, like also certain exoplanets. That's why it is not actually different.

Do other planets have wind like earth?

Yes, but not all. Some planets either evolved without an atmosphere or had their atmosphere decimated by solar wind or gamma-ray bursts. If you are asking are there other habitable planets in the universe - then absolutely. We've not discovered them yet, but there are probably billions, if not trillions of habitable planets elsehwere in the universe, waiting to be discovered.

Why is there no life on any other planets?

This is because it is highly unlikely that the exact circumstances needed to form life will occur. It happened to occur on earth, and that is why it has life. It is theoretically possible for more planets to have life on them. Adding to your answer. Earth is very lucky because it in the habitable zone which means it not too close to the sun and its not too far away. A planet has to be in the habitable to sustain liquid on its surface. They suspect there might be life(single celled) on mars because it is close to the habitable zone. Astronomers have discovered other planets that are in the habitable zone but haven't yet found other life forms.

How is Earth different from eight planets in this solar system?

There is a major difference from our planet and the other which is that our planet is the only one that is habitable for life

What planets in the solar system are not habitable?

Except earth all of them Life could have been on other planets and died out but we won't find that out for a while maybe in another decade hopefully

Is there an earth like ours in this universe?

We suspect that there are probably other planets in the universe that could be habitable. It's not likely that there's one EXACTLY like Earth, though.

Why are other planets there in the solar system?

Other planets other than earth is put in the solar system for humans to explore and do researches on them.