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The tilt of the Earth causes the seasons because the side of Earth that's closer to the sun has summer or spring. The side of Earth that isn't close to the sun has winter or fall. It also affects global climate.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The sun doesn't actually move. Rather, the earth's rotation (at approximately 24 hours per revolution) makes the sun appear to "rise" and "set" as your position on the earth turns in relation to the sun.
when one part of the Earth is facing towards the sun it would eventually become dark. this is because now your part of the world is beginning to face away from the sun then eventually again it would begin to face the sun a gain. you may think the sun is moving however we are acutually rotating around the sun.

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14y ago

Nearest the north and south poles. They get 24 hours of day light during the middle of their summers and 24 hours of darkness in the middle of their winters. The further away from the equator you go the more dramatic the change in the length of days and nights are and the more dramatic the change in climate is.

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12y ago

The earth is tilted at 23 and 1/2 degrees. So when the northern hemisphere is pointed to the sun it gets more sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. This is the same for the when southern hemisphere is facing the sun This effects seasons.

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12y ago

In the tropical and temperate regions (less than about 66 degrees latitude in either direction) that happens on the equinoxes, which are generally March 21 and September 21 (plus or minus a day either way, depending on the cycle of leap years). On or near the equator, this is more or less true all year long.

In the polar (Arctic or Antarctic) regions, it's sometimes difficult to determine what "daylight" is; if the Sun is within a few degrees of the horizon, it stays light. In northern Russia, this phenomenon is called "white nights", in the mid-spring through mid-summer, when the Sun sets but it doesn't really get dark.

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13y ago

imagine (or try) holding a Basketball in a pitch black room, with a single lamp on in one corner. if u stand in front of the lamp, holding the basketball with both your hands, one side of it will have the light of the lamp on it, the other side will be dark with no light shining on it. if u start to rotate the basket ball, the light always hits the side facing the lamp, but the part of the surface basket ball that is lit is changing as your roating the ball. The earth is the basketball and the light is the sun. As the eart rotates on its axis different parts of the world experience 'light' i.e. daytime and 'dark' i.e. nighttime.

It takes the earth 24 hours to make 1 full rotation on its axis, hence a day is 24hrs long.

On the equatoror, the day is 12 hrs, the night is 12 hrs. As the eart titls on its axis, the length of day in the northern and southern hemishpere will lengthen or shortern. In winter it shortens, summer it lengthens.

North and South poles do not have a normal day and night 24hr pattern. They can have upto 4 months of day, and 4 months of night. The titl of the earth affects this.

The earths rotation around the sun has little effect on daytime and nighttime.

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13y ago

Because the earth rotates and each part is illuminated as it turns 'toward' the sun.


The side of the earth that is in it "night" is pointed away from the sun while the part that is in "day" is towards the sun. All of this is made possible because because the arth rotates on it axis.

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8y ago

The Midnight sun refers to a phenomenon that occurs north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle. Due to the tile on Earth's axis these areas will experience continuous sunlight during part of the summer, even at midnight. The closer you are to the pole the longer this period is. As a result, Antarctica and the Arctic are each sometimes called "The Land of the Midnight Sun."

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11y ago

Every place that's less than about 1,620 miles from either the north pole or the south

pole has one occasion during the year when the sun stays up for more than 24 hours.

The closer you are to one of the poles, the longer that period is, and if you're exactly

AT either the north pole or the south pole, the sun stays up for 6 months.

In the northern hemisphere, that area includes a little more than half of Greenland,

a little less than half of Alaska, and large parts of Canada, Russia, Norway, Sweden,

and Finland.

All of that area is the 'Land of the Midnight Sun', because there's at least one

midnight during the year when the sun is up, and the closer to the pole you are,

the more consecutive midnights there are when the sun is up.

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14y ago

The position of the earth's rotation axis relative to the plane of its orbit has no effect on
the amount of solar radiation it receives.

But it does influence the cycle of distribution of that radiation over the earth's surface and
at any given point on the surface during the course of a year ... a pattern that includes the
cycle that we loosely refer to as the "seasons".

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