

Why is the Moon dark all of the time?

Updated: 12/8/2023
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12y ago

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The moon is not dark all the time. It is dark in a phase called a "new moon." But it only temporarily lasts.

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It is sometimes called the dark side of the moon. It isn't really dark all the time, either. It's just that we never see it from earth. The same side of the moon faces the earth all the time.

Why isn't the moon dark half the time?

becouse it can be all right god sheesh leave the moon alone

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I may not be right but I think because the moon moves it makes a dark side on the earth so the earth does not need one. Also one side if the earth can not be dark all the time!! The. It would be might all the time!

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Yes, it can be argued that Moon has a day time and night time. Day time is when the moon is shining bright above the sky, night time is when the moon is dark. Hence the term "Dark Side of the Moon".

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It is all dark.

What is the phase of the moon when it is all dark and you can't see it at all?

New Moon

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It is of course a matter of opinion but my vote would be the whole album of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Especially Time, Great gig in the sky and Dark side of the Moon.

Is the far side of the moon ever dark?

Yes. The far side of the moon is dark when we see a full moon. It is partially dark at all phases other than the new moon.

What color is the dark side of the moon?

There is no dark side, the moon is similar in colours all over its surface.

Is a new moon and dark of the moon the same?

Yes. A formal definition of "Dark of the moon" is: 1. The period of about a week at the time of a new moon when the moon's light is absent from the sky. 2. A period when the moon is not shining or when it is obscured

How dark is the dark side of the moon?

Half the moon is 'dark' at any one time. Every point on the moon is illuminated for roughly 50% of the time, as the first answer said. So there IS a dark side of the moon :). And it is very dark, so that stars can be seen more clearly than anywhere on earth.

Which Pink Floyd song features the lyrics No one told you when to run?

The song is Time. You can find it on the album Dark Side of the Moon.