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bc it has to fun gas

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Q: Why isn't human life sustainable on Jupiter?
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Is Jupiter a life sustainable planet?

Not for life as we know it. Basically, the atmosphere is gaseous ammonia.

Is Jupiter suitable for human life?

No, Jupiter is no t suitable for human life. Jupiter is too far from the sun to keep it warm. Also, it contains no ozone layer or oxygen.

Ecwhat is economic sustainable development?

Economic sustainable development is the economical sustainable development is an organizing principle for human life on a finite planet.

Can Jupiter sustain human life and civilization?

No its to cold

Can Jupiter sustain human life?

NO. It has no breathable atmosphere.

Is life suitable for Jupiter?

No, Jupiter is no t suitable for human life. Jupiter is too far from the sun to keep it warm. Also, it contains no ozone layer or oxygen.

What would happen if a human lived in jupiter?

well, Jupiter has no atmosphere recorded to sustain life. The ground is recorded to be insufficent to life. So you'd die. Think of it like this, if there is no bactrial life, there is definitely no human life.

What would life be like if you were only six inches tall?

You would not have a life. Human life is not sustainable at such a height.

How far is it to the nearest planet with a sustainable atmosphere for humans to live on?

We do not know of any other planet with a sustainable atmosphere that supports human life.

Is life sustainable on any of Jupiter's moons?

Potentially. Evidence suggests that there is liquid water inside Europa, which opens the possibility that it could hold some sort of life.

Is human life possible on planet jupiter?

No, because there is no surface to Jupiter, it is a gaseous planet with nowhere to land a spacecraft. Temperatures and pressure on Jupiter are also very extreme.

Why did God make human life?

god isnt real so he couldnt make human life, this is proven by scientists and its just a myth like the easter bunny or the tooth fairy.