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A rocket needs to travel at 7 miles-per-second or about 25,000-miles-per-hour to leave the pull of earth's gravitational force, and reach outer space. This speed is known as escape velocity.

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Escape velocity is the minimum speed required for an object to break free from the gravitational pull of a planet or celestial body without any further propulsion. In the case of spacecraft, reaching escape velocity allows it to overcome Earth's gravitational pull and venture into space without being pulled back down. It is necessary to ensure that the spacecraft can achieve its intended trajectory and continue its journey into space.

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To be able to escape Earths gravity

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Q: Why must a spacecraft reach escape velocity to be able to go to space?
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Is orbital velocity the velocity a rocket must reach to fly off into space?

No, orbital velocity is the velocity a spacecraft must achieve to stay in orbit around a celestial body, such as Earth. To escape a celestial body and fly off into space, a rocket must reach escape velocity, which is higher than orbital velocity.

What is the escape velocity from the surface of Mars?

The escape velocity from the surface of Mars is about 5.0 km/s (3.1 miles/s). This means that a spacecraft would need to reach this speed to break free from Mars' gravity and enter into space.

Is capable of NASA space shuttle reach escape velocity from the Earth?

Yes, the NASA space shuttle was capable of reaching escape velocity from Earth. It typically needed a combination of its rocket boosters and main engines to achieve the necessary speed to break free from Earth's gravitational pull and reach space.

An engine with a speed that can escape earth's gravity?

An engine capable of achieving escape velocity would need to reach speeds of around 25,000 miles per hour to overcome Earth's gravity. This would typically involve using powerful rockets with sufficient thrust to propel a spacecraft beyond Earth's gravitational pull and into space. Once in space, the spacecraft would continue on its trajectory using momentum gained from the engine's initial acceleration.

To reach outer space rockets must escape what force?

To reach outer space, rockets must escape the force of gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of a mass, such as the Earth. Rockets need to generate enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and reach escape velocity to enter outer space.

Related questions

How do you travel unto space?

You need a spacecraft that will exceed escape velocity.

Is orbital velocity the velocity a rocket must reach to fly off into space?

No, orbital velocity is the velocity a spacecraft must achieve to stay in orbit around a celestial body, such as Earth. To escape a celestial body and fly off into space, a rocket must reach escape velocity, which is higher than orbital velocity.

Why must spacecraft reach escape velocity to be able to go to space?

a slower speed will not overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth. It would fall back to Earth.

What is the escape velocity from the surface of Mars?

The escape velocity from the surface of Mars is about 5.0 km/s (3.1 miles/s). This means that a spacecraft would need to reach this speed to break free from Mars' gravity and enter into space.

Why you must study escape velocity?

Studying escape velocity is important to understand the minimum velocity needed for an object to break free from a planet or celestial body's gravitational pull. This knowledge is crucial for space exploration, satellite launches, and designing spacecraft trajectories to ensure they can reach their intended destinations. Understanding escape velocity also helps in calculating fuel requirements and optimizing mission plans for space travel.

Is capable of NASA space shuttle reach escape velocity from the Earth?

Yes, the NASA space shuttle was capable of reaching escape velocity from Earth. It typically needed a combination of its rocket boosters and main engines to achieve the necessary speed to break free from Earth's gravitational pull and reach space.

Have any MANNED vehicles reached 'escape velocity' - If so what were they?

Yes, several manned vehicles have reached escape velocity, which is about 25,000 miles per hour. The Apollo spacecraft used during the moon missions reached escape velocity en route to the moon. Also, the Space Shuttle reached escape velocity when it orbited the Earth or traveled to the International Space Station.

An engine with a speed that can escape earth's gravity?

An engine capable of achieving escape velocity would need to reach speeds of around 25,000 miles per hour to overcome Earth's gravity. This would typically involve using powerful rockets with sufficient thrust to propel a spacecraft beyond Earth's gravitational pull and into space. Once in space, the spacecraft would continue on its trajectory using momentum gained from the engine's initial acceleration.

What is the name for the speed a rocket must reach to escape the earth's gravity?

Escape velocity is the speed that a rocket must reach to break free from Earth's gravity and enter space. It is the minimum velocity required for an object to overcome the pull of Earth's gravity.

To reach outer space rockets must escape what force?

To reach outer space, rockets must escape the force of gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of a mass, such as the Earth. Rockets need to generate enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and reach escape velocity to enter outer space.

What is escape volocity?

Escape velocity is the minimum speed that an object must reach to break free from the gravitational pull of a celestial body. This velocity allows the object to overcome the body's gravitational force and enter into space. The specific value of escape velocity depends on the mass and radius of the celestial body.

What is the escape velocity of mercury?

The escape velocity of Mercury is about 4.3 km/s, which is the speed an object must reach to break free from Mercury's gravitational pull and move into space.