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Far infrared Astronomy is the branch of astronomy and astrophysics which deals with objects visible in far-infrared radiation. The cold telescope allows the equipment to work properly

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Kyla Klocko

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2y ago
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13y ago

Far infrared astronomy is the branch of astronomy and astrophysics which deals with objects visible in far-infrared radiation. The cold telescope allows the equipment to work properly

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6y ago

They measure must be kept cool to avoid contaminating their measurements with their own heat.

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14y ago

extreme infared

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Q: Why must telescopes observing at far- infrared wavelengths be cool to low temperatures?
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Why can't you observe stars in infrared?

Stars emit radiation across a broad spectrum, including infrared light. However, observing stars in infrared can be challenging due to interference from atmospheric absorption and emission, and the need for specialized instruments to detect faint infrared signals. Additionally, stars emit most of their energy in visible light, which is why traditional optical telescopes are commonly used for observing them.

How do they measure the temperature in outer space?

Temperature in outer space is typically measured using instruments aboard satellites and spacecraft, such as infrared sensors or thermal detectors. These instruments can detect the amount of heat radiating from objects in space and convert that into temperature measurements. Additionally, some telescopes can also measure temperature by observing the radiation emitted by objects in space at different wavelengths.

What is long wavelength radiation given out by stars?

Long wavelength radiation given out by stars is typically in the form of infrared radiation. This type of radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light and is emitted by stars as a product of their high temperatures. It is important for studying the properties and evolution of stars.

Can infrared light get through Earth's atmosphere?

Yes, some infrared light can penetrate Earth's atmosphere. Certain wavelengths of infrared light are able to pass through the atmosphere and reach the Earth's surface, which is used in applications such as remote sensing and thermal imaging. However, other wavelengths of infrared light are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Infrared astronomy can only be done from space?

Infrared astronomy can also be done from the ground, though it is limited by interference from Earth's atmosphere. Space-based infrared telescopes, such as the Spitzer Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, provide clearer images by avoiding atmospheric distortion.

Related questions

How can you see through the interstellar medium?

By using various wavelengths of light, such as infrared or radio waves, we can see through the interstellar medium. Different wavelengths can penetrate the dust and gas in space, allowing us to observe objects that may be hidden in visible light. Telescopes and instruments that are sensitive to these wavelengths help in studying the interstellar medium.

How do telescopes for invisible wavelengths differ from those for visible light?

Telescopes for invisible wavelengths, such as radio or infrared, use different types of detectors and mirrors/lenses that can capture and focus these wavelengths effectively. They are often larger in size to collect enough of the low-energy invisible light. Additionally, the data processing and analysis for invisible wavelengths may require different techniques compared to visible light telescopes.

Which form of radiation has the longest wavelength between infrared and visible?

Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light.

What are the types of telescopes that are used for astronomical observation?

The three major types are the optical, the infrared, and the radio telescopes. There are other specialized instruments for observing gamma rays, or x-rays, or for doing processes such as interferometry. Among the optical telescopes are the refracting (lens), reflecting (mirror) and compound telescopes (computer-assisted combinations of several smaller telescopes to simulate a much larger one).

What instruments are used to detect different wavelengths?

Different instruments are used to detect different wavelengths of light. For example, visible light is detected by the human eye or by cameras. Infrared light is detected by infrared sensors or thermal cameras. X-rays are detected by X-ray detectors, and radio waves are detected by radio telescopes.

What type of telescope does not use optics?

Telescopes can be made to see in almost any part of the electromagnetic spectrum: visible light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, or radio waves. The largest telescopes are those for radio waves - in Arecibo there is one with a diameter of 300 meters. I am not sure whether it is the largest, though.

What is the difference between infrared ray and gamma rays?

The main difference between gamma rays and infrared rays is in their wavelengths. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths while infrared rays have longer wavelengths. Gamma and infrared rays are types of electromagnetic radiation.

What are the three types of centered wavelengths of light?

The three types of centered wavelengths of light are ultraviolet, visible, and infrared. Ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths than visible light, while infrared light has longer wavelengths. The visible spectrum, where light is visible to the human eye, falls between ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths.

How do wavelengths of infrared light compared to wavelengths of ultraviolet light?

Infrared light has longer wavelengths compared to ultraviolet light. Infrared light ranges from about 700 nm to 1 mm, while ultraviolet light ranges from about 10 nm to 400 nm. Ultraviolet light has higher energy and shorter wavelengths than infrared light.

What size wavelengths do harmful types of electromagnetic waves have?

very small wavelengths (near-infrared, far-infrared, sub-millimeter, microwaves)

What is long-wave electromagnetic radiations used in special telescopes?

Long-wave electromagnetic radiation used in special telescopes includes infrared radiation and submillimeter radiation. These telescopes are designed to detect and study objects that emit or reflect these longer wavelengths of light, allowing astronomers to observe phenomena such as cool stars, cosmic dust, and molecular clouds.

Which wavelengths of light are beyond red and beyond violet?

Beyond red are infrared wavelengths, and beyond violet are ultraviolet wavelengths.