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The distribution of different elements in the world is influenced by various geological processes, such as plate tectonics, volcanic activity, erosion, and weathering. These processes have shaped the Earth's crust over millions of years, leading to variations in the concentrations of elements in different regions. Additionally, factors like mineral deposits, geothermal activity, and the movement of water and air can also play a role in the spatial distribution of elements. Overall, it's a combination of complex geological and environmental factors that give rise to the diverse distribution of elements across the world.

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Praveen Kumar

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12mo ago
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12y ago

Planets such as our world do not have a uniform composition because gravity concentrates heavier elements closer to the center, and also because the world originally condensed from an interstellar dust cloud which itself was subjected to various asymmetrical forces in terms of gravitational fields, stellar radiation and explosions (supernovae) etc. The universe is full of phenomena which exert asymmetrical effects.

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Q: Why this world has different elements in different places?
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