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You have to destroy all of their planets. They have 2400 star systems, good luck!

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Q: Would you defeat the Grox do you have to destroy all of there planets or just their home planet to get rid of them?
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Could Trappist One's planets have been destroyed?

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There would be 21 planets because there is 6 planets not counting Pluto since it is a dwarf planet and so 9+12=21 so remember Pluto is a dwarf planet

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An Outer planet would be a planet beyond the asteroid belt. This would include, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and (when it is considered a planet) Pluto.

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That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.

Would it be possible for a planet to revolve about the sun?

The planets orbit the sun.

What are the names of the planets that are beyond Neptune?

it would be Pluto but its a dwaf planet

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In order to land on a planet, it has to have a solid outer crust. The only planets in the solar system with a solid outer core are the 4 inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars). The planets outside the Asteroid Belt are composed primarily of gas, which would make any landing impossible on those planets.