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You are the planet Saturn, named after the Roman god of agriculture and time. In Greek mythology, Saturn is known as Cronus, the god of the harvest and time.

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Q: You are the greek god of the heavens the Romans call you Saturn what planet am you?
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Am the Greek god of the heavens what planet am i?

You are most likely associated with the planet Uranus. In Greek mythology, Uranus is the god of the sky or heavens, so the planet Uranus was named after him.

Who named Saturn and why?

The planet Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture and wealth. The name was given by the Romans, who associated the planet with this god because of its slow movement across the sky, mirroring the pace of agricultural activities.

Who is the roman ruler of the heavens?

The Romans considered Jupiter the ruler of te heavens. Jupiter was the Romans name for the Greek god Zeus.

Which planet is named after the god of the heavens?

The planet Uranus is named after the ancient Greek god of the heavens, Uranus. It is the seventh planet from the Sun and was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel.

Who name saturn?

The Romans were the first to give names to the brightest starts they saw in the sky. The name for the planet Saturn was taken from the god of the harvest by the name of Saturnus.

Why was the sixth planet named after the Greek god Kronos?

The sixth planet in our solar system, Saturn, was named after the Roman god of agriculture rather than the Greek god Kronos. Kronos is associated with the Greek god Cronus, who was the father of Zeus and the ruler of the Titans. The Romans identified Cronus with their god Saturn, hence the naming of the planet.

Why is cronus the greek god of Saturn?

Cronus is not the greek god of Saturn, Saturn is his Roman name. As for why the Romans named him Saturn, I don't know.

What the origin of the name Uranus?

The name Uranus comes from the ancient Greek god of the sky, Uranus. Uranus was considered the father of Saturn and grandfather of Jupiter in Roman mythology, representing the sky and heavens. The planet Uranus was named after him when it was discovered in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel.

Who is the Roman and greek god of fertility?

I believe it is Kronos for Greek and Saturn for Romans.

What does the Saturn planet mean?

Saturn is named after the Greek god of agriculture.

Who is the Greek god of heaven the Romans call you Saturn?

Zeus is.

Is there another name for the planet Saturn?

No, Saturn was named after the Greek God Saturnus