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Gravity hold the moon in orbit

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Q: What forces act upon the moon as it is orbiting earth?
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How does the moon create a buldge?

The moon creates a bulge by exerting graviatational forces on the Earth, the same as the Earth exerts upon the moon. This generally affects the oceans and can cause a "bulge."

What does the pull of the moon have to do with ocean tides?

The gravity of the Moon. The gravitation of the Earth and the Moon work on each other. The side of the Earth nearest the Moon receives the greatest effect of the Moon's gravitational pull, creating the bulge in the ocean and high tide beneath the Moon. The bulge on the far side of the Earth is being spun away centrifugally from the center of the combined Earth-Moon mass.

What forces act upon a meteor as it falls toward Earth?

Forces of gravity ( gravitational force) pulls the meteor to earth

When the moon is between earth and the sun the shadow of the moon may fall upon earth causing?

A Lunar Eclipse

When the moon passes between earth and the sun the shadow of the moon may fall upon earth causing an?

An eclipse occurs.

What forces are at work during the moon's orbit around earth?

There are two major forces at work. 1. Momentum. The Moon is quite massive, and traveling. In accordance with Newton's 1st law of motion, the Moon will continue to move in a straight line unless some other force acts upon it. 2. Gravity. Not only is the Moon massive, but the Earth is far MORE massive; and all mass creates a gravitational field that attracts all other mass. So there's an attractive force that pulls the Earth and the Moon together. So while the Moon is headed off into space because of its momentum, the Earth is pulling it back. So the Moon is falling toward the Earth. Fortunately for us, by the time the Moon has fallen toward the Earth, the Moon has also moved away to the side. In literal truth, the Moon keeps falling toward - and missing - the Earth.

The sun exerts almost 200 times more force on the oceans of the Earth than the moon does Why then is the moon more effective in raising tides?

Actually, the Sun's force due to gravity on the Earth (and thus upon the oceans) is approximately 179.5 times that of the moon. It should also be noted that the Sun's tidal forces are still present, but are only about 45.5% as strong as the moon's tidal forces..The moon has a greater influence on the tides because tidal effects arrise from the difference of gravitational forces at different places on the planet, and the force due to gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects. The diameter of the Earth is approximately 12,700 Km. The Earth is approximately 149,000,000 Km from the Sun, so the difference of the force due to gravity from the sun at the near side of the Earth compared to the far side of the Earth is 0.0170%. The Moon, on the other hand, is approximately 384,000 Km from the Earth, so the difference of the force due to the gravity of the moon at the near side of the Earth compared to the far side of the Earth is 6.72%..The moon's gravitational force difference is therefore about 395 times greater than the sun's gravitational force difference. Remember, the sun's overall gravitational force is still 179.5 times stronger than the moon's gravitational force. So to get the moon's tidal forces in proportion to the sun's tidal forces, we take 395/179.5, which is 2.2. Thus, the moon's tidal forces are 2.2 times greater than the sun's tidal forces, or as we stated at the outset, the sun's tidal forces are 45.5% that of the moon's tidal forces.

Does earth also reflect light on moon?

As seen from the moon, the Earth is a brighter source of light than the moon is as seen from the Earth. This also depends upon the phase of the Earth, just as the brightness of the moon varies by phase. A full moon and a full Earth are in the brightest phase.

Tides results from the pull of gravity exerted upon the earth by?

The Moon.

Is gravity responsible for phases of the moon?

Yes, The force of gravity is responsible for the orbiting motion of the moon about the earth and also the motion of both the moon and earth around the sun. The orbital patterns of the earth and moon cause their positions to be relative to the sun in a way that repeats itself every 29 days - a full phase. The light that bounces off the moon and back to someone on earth depends upon the position of both, relative to the sun. So since gravity causes the pattern of the orbits then it is responsible for the phenomenon.

Why we see the moon at night?

We see the moon during the day, too. The reason we can see the moon is because it is large and close to Earth. As such, it reflects a portion of the sunlight which lands upon it down toward our planet. The angle of the sun upon the moon's surface, as seen from the Earth, is also what's responsible for the phases of the moon.

What happens when the earth comes directly between the sun and the moon causing earth shadow to be cast upon the moon?

You have a lunar eclipse. Incidentally, the moon turns dark red when that happens.