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No in fact the reason Medusa is a gorgon is because Athena turned her into one in this myth here:

The three Gorgon sisters were daughters of ancient Sea Gods, Ceto and Phorcys. Two, Stheno and Eluryah were immortal, but the third, Medusa was not. She had been a female of absolute beauty, mostly her long, silky hair. She bragged at being more beautiful than the Goddess Athena, and one day, while in her temple, she was ravished by the Sea God Neptune. Athena was outraged by this and turned Medusa into the Gorgon she became famous for being. She turned her beautiful hair into snakes and let it be that she could no longer see the handsome men who came to court her, as they would instantly be turned to stone if they looked into her eyes.

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12y ago

No. Athena and Medusa hated each other. Poseidon and Medusa (when she was human) dated and Poseidon took Medusa on a date in Athena's temple which showed serious disrespect to Athena. Since Poseidon was Athena's uncle and he was more powerful than her she couldn't do anything to him accept hold a grudge so she cursed Medusa with such bad looks that whenever someone looked her in the eyes (except gods) they would turn to stone. Then, when Medusa's sisters tried to help her Athena turned them into Gorgons as well.

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14y ago

Athena doesn't like Medusa because Medusa once made love to Poseidon in Athena's temple. Athena then turned Medusa and her sisters into the hideous Gorgons.

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14y ago

Spiders, in particular, as well as Ares-type views.

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Q: Are Athena and Medusa friends
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Who were Athenas friends and enemies?

Poisiden and Medusa were Athena's enemies. And Apolo and Artemis and Zeus were some of Athena's friends.

How did Medusa become Medusa?

Poseidon was Medusa's boyfriend and they were hanging out in Athena's temple. Then Athena turned Medusa into Medusa.

What happened between Athena and Medusa?

Athena was angry that Medusa slept with Poseidon in her temple, so she turned her into a Gorgon. ____ Some myths say Medusa was a priestess of Athena and that she (Medusa) was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple. Athena didn't care that Medusa was raped Athena just cared that her temple was defiled.

Why were Athena and Medusa enemies?

athena is medusa's enemy because athena turned medusa into a horrible gorgon when she was caught sleeping with poseidon in her temple

What did Athena do to Medusa?

Athena turned Medusa into a monster with snakes for hair. Whenever someone looked at Medusa after she was cursed, they would be turned to stone. Athena did this to Medusa because Medusa was one of Poseidon's lovers and they one day met in Athena's temple.

Why did Athena turn Medusa's hair into snakes?

Athena turned Medusa's hair into snakes because Poseidon slept with Medusa inside Athena's temple.

What god was medusa before she got turned into medusa by Athena?

Medusa was always a goddess called Medusa, if she was a goddess Athena only cursed her.

Did Athena change medusa into a monster because she compared her beauty to Athena?

no..... Medusa and Poseidon were having an affair in Athena's temple and Athena got mad so she turned Medusa into a hideous creature.

Who cursed medusa?

Athena cursed medusa

How and why was Medusa cursed?

Because Poseidon lay with Medusa in Athena's temple, so the goddess Athena was offended against Medusa.

What is the story of Athena and Medusa?

Athena caught Medusa and Poseidon in her temple. Athena was pledged never to marry, so she took this as an insult. She then turned Medusa's hair into snakes.

Why did Athena turn Medusa into a Gorgon?

Medusa and Poseidon (god of the seas) had sex in one of Athena's temples, which angered Athena.