Usually short hair is more suitable for running because it is very light and is off of your neck so you won't be as hot. But long hair is not that much heavier but can be on your neck. It is your choice, but if you only care about running faster, go with short hair.
Some people like short hair and they cut it, while some people like long hair, and don't cut it.
Long hairstyles are the trend. You can do alot more with long hair than you can with short. However, some people feel that it is more professional to have short hair.
It depends what your activity level is and what activity you do. but generally long hair because it drags on everything it can touch, so it gets dirty.
Its a diffferent answer for different poeple. For example, I think long hair is better. My friend says short hair is. well people are different they like different things but medium hair is better instead of fighting over short hair and long hair. personally, i like shoulder length hair best.
Long hair is in.
A short bow is faster
short hair
She Has short hair
long hair
I think Rhianna's hair is short. When you see her with long hair, i think its a wig.
Rihanna has short hair...she used to have long hair until she decided it was getting to long so she cut it really short