Anthony mundine earns around 1.4 million Australian dollars a year
Anthony won 43 Tour titles which was held for more than 30 years until Walter Ray Williams, JR broke it. Anthony was the first player to earn $100,000 in a season/ Anthony still is tied for the tour record for nationally televised finals in a year at 15 events out of 32.
A violin player can earn about 10,000 more or less a year. A violin player can earn about 10,000 more or less a year.
Anthony M. Grey has written: 'How to earn a substantialsecond income as a finance broker' -- subject(s): Brokers
Susan .b anthony
i was getting £39500 last season before bonuses per weak, this season i wiil join Celtic fc in scottish and will earn £30000pw
They earn about 12 million.
A surgeon's salary is anything between 350,000 to 470,000. While it is unknown how much St. Anthony's surgeons make , this scale is a good reference.
Depends how good the player is.
Depends on how good the player is , an average to good player could earn from A$100,000 to A$300,000 a season. A Marquee player could earn more than a A$1m.
There is not set amount of money that a professional girl volleyball player will earn. This depends on age and skill.