Christian Ojore Mayfield's birth name is Ojore Bakari Mayfield.
Christian Ojore Mayfield has: Played Church Member in "The Gospel" in 2005. Played Studio Delivery Man in "For Your Consideration" in 2006. Played Mr. Mayfield in "Meet the Browns" in 2009. Performed in "L.O.T.T.O. (Lust of the Tainted Object)" in 2010. Played Carl Johnson in "I Know Too Much" in 2010. Played Dr. Curry in "Probable Cause" in 2012. Played Pilot in "The Sacrament" in 2013.
The cast of I Know Too Much - 2010 includes: Candace Blaine as Karen Ellis Charles as Erik Candice LaShay as Angela Christopher Mathis Christian Ojore Mayfield as Carl Johnson
Adam Mayfield is 6' 2".
Sabrina Mayfield is 5' 5".
Vanessa Mayfield is 5' 5".
Jonah Mayfield is 5' 8".
Eymahnia Mayfield is 5' 4".
Bradford Mayfield is 5' 9 1/2".
NHL player Scott Mayfield is 6'-04''.
The Mayfield Regional Library in Mayfield Village is located at 500 SOM Center Rd, Mayfield Village, OH 44143, United States.