Peyton Siva was born on 1990-10-24.
NBA player Peyton Siva is 6'-01''.
Peyton Siva plays for the Detroit Pistons.
Peyton Siva plays point guard for the Detroit Pistons.
NBA player Peyton Siva weighs 185 pounds.
Peyton Siva is number 34 on the Detroit Pistons.
NBA player Peyton Siva played for Louisville.
We are pretty sure that Peyton Siva Jr. will end up going into the NBA
NBA player Peyton Siva made $490180 in the 2013-2014 season.
cant really compare an elite C/PF with a PG, but...... i would say Peyton siva bcuz i favour smaller, speedier and quicker guards to any other type of player. So Peyton Siva in my opinion.
Peyton siva
No, Peyton Siva is not Tamil. He is an American basketball player who played college basketball at Louisville and has played professionally in various leagues around the world.