John, Paul, Joe, Sean?
Sean Kanan's birth name is Perelman, Sean.
Sean Banan's birth name is Sean Samadi.
Sean Biggerstaff's birth name is Sean Biggerstaff.
"Giovanni" is an Italian equivalent of "Sean."Specifically, the Italian and the Gaelic words are popular proper nouns. They both translate into English as "John." The pronunciation of the Italian first name is "djyoh-VAHN-nee."
According to the IMDB and Wikipedia, Sean Penn's real name is Sean Justin Penn.
Sean Combs' birth name is Sean John Combs.
Sean Janzen's birth name is Sean Bruce Janzen.
Sean Briskey's birth name is Sean Allen Briskey.
Sean Conant's birth name is Sean Anthony Conant.
Sean Kramer's birth name is Sean Proinsius O'Ciardhubhain.