Pope St. Leo I, the Great, is a Doctor of the Church but not considered a patron saint.
St. Gregory the Great is the patron saint of musicians, singers, students, teachers, and the papacy. He is also known as the patron saint against plague and gout.
Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Peter are the patron saints of the popes.
St. Albert the Great is often regarded as the patron saint of science. He was a medieval theologian and philosopher who made significant contributions to the field of natural science.
The date and place of birth of St. Leo the Great are unknown.
St. Albert the Great, while not the patron saint of science is the patron saint of scientists. He was the teacher and mentor of St Thomas Aquinas.
St. Gertrude the Great is the patron saint of: •Naples, Italy •nuns •West Indies
There is no patron saint of golf. St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletics. Another opinion: The patron saint of golfers is St. Andrew.
Saint Thomas Aquinas was a student of Albert the Great.
The best known male patron saint of music is Pope St. Gregory the Great.
No, there is no patron saint of billiards.
Saint Kiara is a saint but she is not the patron of anything at this time sorry