"Brogan" is not a Hebrew name. Brogan is an Irish name that means "little shoe."
Jessica Brogan's birth name is Jessica Renee Brogan.
Brant Brogan's birth name is Brant Edward Brogan.
Ron Brogan's birth name is Ronald Francis Brogan.
The surname Brogan is most common in the United Kingdom. More specifically, the Brogan name can be found most in the areas of Lancashire, Manchester, Fife, and Lothian.
Teri Brogan
arabian ... My first name is abboud and i am an arab .
The orgins of the name Hamiyet are Turkish.
bubble humes.
The nationality of the last name Requenez is Spanish. According to reports, the name was first used in Renequa in the province of Valencia.
Brogan is an Irish name it is commonly known as a surname sometimes if you just put in the name and not ask it will come up as the meaning of a brog (wich is commonly known as part of a shoe)