Slaves or enslaved people in Sparta were called helots.
why do people train in sparta
People in Sparta believed in military strength
The Peloponnesian war was Between Athens and Sparta. Sparta was jealous of Athens and hated their idea of democracy. Sparta was strong on land, Athens at sea. But in the end, Sparta won and established an Oligarchy called the 30 tyrants. But 50 years later when Sparta was still weak from fighting Athens, a kingdom to the north called Macedonia, led by Alexander the Great, conquered Sparta.
people meet their needs in Sparta by working.
You call people from Sparta Spartans.
Spartans were named Spartans because they were from Sparta. Just like how people from Canada are called Canadians, or people from Morocco are called Moroccan.
the Helots
The people that living in Sparta are Spartans. Sparta is located in Greece.