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Q: What do you call someone who causes something?
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A scourger is someone who harasses, punishes or causes destruction.

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What do you call someone who has the quality or skill to do something?

you call them able?

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Pathogen or an anti-body

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a souvenir

What do you call something that makes something move or cause it to stop?

You can call something that makes something move a "force" or a "mover," while something that causes it to stop can be referred to as a "brake" or a "stopper."

What do you do when someone hits you with something?

That is asault and you can call the police.

What do you call Someone that does something with anyone?

slut, whore

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An immortal. Deathless.

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What is name for?

A name is for someone to call you something. Would you want someone to call you something or say," person over there!"