Adolf "ADI" Dassler, he was a GERMAN. If he was going to write it, it'd be in GERMAN.
His name ADI added to DASSLER made ADI-DAS. Adidas. It's simple.
Adidas was founded by Adolph Dassler in 1949. The adi comes from Adolph. The das comes from dassler. And you get adidas.
The name "adidas" comes from the founder of adidas, Adolf "Adi" Dassler.
Adolf "ADI" Dassler, he was a GERMAN. If he was going to write it, it'd be in GERMAN.His name ADI added to DASSLER made ADI-DAS. Adidas. It's simple.Adidas was founded by Adolph Dassler in 1949. The adi comes from Adolph. The das comes from dassler. And you get adidas.
People commonly say that Adidas is a clever acronym for"All Day I Dream About Soccer."But the more likely truth is that we get Adidas from the company founders name, Adolf ("Adi") Dassler.Adi Dassler.
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