Fitzpatrick was originally Mac Giolla Phádraig and therefore not a Norman 'Fitz' surname.
It is the only surname with the prefix Fitz which is of native Irish origin, rather than Norman. The original surname was MacGilpatrick (Mac Giolla Pádraig, in Irish) meaning "son of the servant/devotee of St. Patrick. Strong in Leix and Kilkenny. Previous answer: Fitzpatrick is an Irish name meaning "son of Patrick."
What does the surname joukador mean
Kurt Fitzpatrick's birth name is Kurt Fitzpatrick.
You probably mean "surname". Your surname is your family name. For instance, if your name is Mike Hunt, your "surname" is Hunt.
Donald Fitzpatrick's birth name is Donald James Fitzpatrick.
The surname Moran means Big.
It is not a name on surname sites. sorry!
Your surname is your family name
Dinny FitzPatrick's birth name is FitzPatrick III, Vincent R..
John Bernard Fitzpatrick died on 1866-02-13.