Dopeman's birth name is Lszl Pityinger.
Dopeman Music was created on 2010-04-27.
Dopeman was born on March 20, 1974, in Budapest, Hungary.
A Tick. . . . . . . . .
under armour
you can't stupid
Look them up at then you will know.
The Dopeman TV website is authored in Hungarian. Google translate can translate the entire site into English or other language to help you read it if you do not know Hungarian.
N.W.A - Dopeman (Remix) Enjoy!! :-)
everyone has an opinion.sweety,if you like them then wear them!
The cast of Waiting for Dopeman - 2002 includes: Kristofer Allen Rommel as Nathan Rex Benton as Darren Lindsay Marlow as Kaitlynn Tyler Wallace as Tyler
No, they don't sell Nike brand at Payless. They do have some similar-looking brands and models that are probably designed to look like Nike, but they don't sell the real McCoy.