Brett Favre's middle name is LorenzoHis birth name is Brett Lorenzo Favre.
The reason Brett favre's middle name is because he was named after his dad
Caidyn Peter or Caidyn Brett or even Caidyn Micheal
Brett Nolan Schultz
Brett comes from a Middle English surname, meaning "a Breton." (Referring to an inhabitant of Brittany).
A good middle name for Cory is prince.
A good middle name for Luke could be James, Alexander, or Michael.
A good middle name for Baily is Grace. Baily Grace. A good middle name for Baily is Anne. Bailey Anne. A good middle name for Baily is Mary. Bailey Mary.
George Brett's birth name is George Howard Brett.
Brett Favre has explained that his family has long pronounced it "FARV." He said the pronunciation is a result of his family heritage, which blends Cajun with Choctaw Indian. According to James Favre, the name is French and should be pronounced "Fav-RAY". Source: In French, it would be "FAH-vruh" or "Fah-VRAY," depending on whether the ending "e" has an accent aigu.
Nick Brett's birth name is Nicholas Brett.
i think that Marie is a good middle name