the bowling league was stratified into "A" players, with high averages, and "B" players, with lower ones.
Weren't the best players chosen today?
The soccer coach makes notations of the players when they have tryouts.
The tricky card shark bilked the other players out of their money.
No the word "broker" does not mean to fracture as in a bone. The word should be "broke" as in "one of the players broke their ankle."
From the start you get some rookies along with good, real players.
The team had to forfeit the game, which meant they lost, because they did not have enough players.
Adroitness means cleverness or skill. His adroitness with the ball astounded the other players.
if you want to win a race,you have to run FASTER than the other players.
The identical twins Bob and Jim were great soccer players.
players that are not paying attention recieve admonishing quetions from their coach
After their high hopes, the team had lost and all the players felt downcast.