There is no contraction for were you. There is no contraction for you were.There is a contraction for "you are" (you're).
There is no contraction for "its not."There is a contraction for "it is" (it's).There is a contraction for "is not" (isn't).
He's already IS a contraction. It is a contraction of he is.
There is no contraction. The contraction we're means "we are."
There is no contraction. There is a contraction doesn't which means "does not."
"They've" is the contraction for 'they' and 'have'.
The contraction for "were" is "we're."
The contraction for "he will" is "he'll."
It's is the contraction of it has and it is.
There is no contraction for I was. There is a contraction for I am (I'm) and for I have (I've).
Didn't is a contraction of the words "did" and "not". There is no 'contraction' for this word.
The grammatical contraction for "have not" is "haven't."