The plural of board is boards.
The plural form of the board of education is boards of education.The plural possessive form is boards of education's.example: The boards of education's first joint meeting has been scheduled.
Chess matches; chess boards; versions of chess.
Boards is a noun and a verb. As a noun, it is the plural form of board. "Please hand me those boards." As a verb, it is the third person singular conjugation of board. "Dave boards the plane at 3:00 and should be home by 7:00."
The noun 'boards' is the plural form of the singular noun board, a common, concrete noun; a word for a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material used for the building or construction of things.
Tiles is plural of "tile" which is a piece of baked clay used in covering roofs, walls, floors, game boards. I do not think that there is a synonym for "tile".
"Board of Directors" is a singular (one board) compound noun that takes a singular verb.Think of it as 'a special group' of directors. The group may be large or small.Example: "The board is meeting this afternoon. (is= singular verb)But when talking about 'the directors', they may be large or small, or of varying sizes!Example: "The directors are meeting this afternoon." (are = plural verb)COMPANY / CORPORATE LAWA company has a Board of Directors. It is clearly singular. Therefore singular verbs and singular pronouns are used when referring to 'a board' or 'the Board' of Directors.Examples of usage:"The World Bank Group has four Boards of Directors. ... Each Board of Directors is responsible for the conduct of ..." -The World Bank"The MCC Board of Directors is composed of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of ..." -Millennium Challenge Corporation, USA"If the board of directors has judged that a member bank is performing or behaving poorly, it will report this to the Board of Governors." -WikiPedia - Federal Reserve System"The exercise by the board of directors of its powers ..." -WikiPedia - Board of Directors"The board of directors generally sets broad corporate policy ..." - FreeDictionary.comNOTE that the verbs 'is', 'has', 'it', 'its' and 'sets' are all singular forms.PLURALThe plural of 'board of directors' is 'boards of directors / Boards of Directors"Some directors may serve on a numbers of different Boardsof Directors, that is, they have directorships with more than one company.EXAMPLES OF USAGEBoards of Directors are responsible for ...If boards of directors have judged ... they will report ...The exercise by boards of directors of theirpowers ...Boards of directors generally set broad corporate policy. etc
Long boards are better.
White boards use Dry Erase Markers. Black boards use Chalk.
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Most bridges are not built with boards, and those which are built with boards usually have straight boards, not crooked boards. However, there is a lot of stress placed on bridges by the vehicles that pass over them, and boards could certainly be pushed out of position.