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The pronoun in the sentence is he.

The pronoun 'he' is taking the place of the name of the person spoken about.

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Q: What is the pronoun in this sentence - He is a very good sportsman?
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Is it a subject pronoun or an object pronoun?

The pronoun it can be used as the subject or the object of a sentence or clause; for example:This is my new car, I bought it yesterday. It was a very good deal.

What is a sportsman?

A sportsman is someone who does not depend solely on the skill directly associated with their body such as an athlete. Therefore a sportsman can be very good at whatever it is that they do without their bodies having to be in good condition.

What is a pronoun for salad?

The pronoun for a salad is 'it'. The plural form is 'they' for a subject, and 'them' for the obect of a sentence. Example uses:Who made this salad? Jake made it, he made all of them. They are all very good.

Is tree a pronoun?

No, the word 'tree' is a noun, a word for a type of plant, a word for a living thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'tree' in a sentence is it.Example: The tree wasn't damaged in the storm. It looks very good.

What type of pronoun is this We love pizza?

No, the word pizza is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence; the pronoun that is used for a pizza is 'it'; for example:This pizza is delicious, it has three types of cheese.

What kind of grammar word is these?

The word "Which" is a pronoun. However, depending on how it is used it in a sentence the word can vary between being an interrogative pronoun or a relative pronoun.

The pronoun it refers to which word in the sentence?

The pronoun 'it' refers to a singular noun for a thing.Examples:The cat pounced on a creature that it saw in the grass.The house is very nice. We liked it the minute we saw it.What a good idea. Who thought of it?

What is the proper pronoun for the sentence for Cats are easier to care for than dogs because are very independent?

The pronoun that should be used in the example sentence is they:Cats are easier to care for than dogs because they are very independent.the plural pronoun 'they' takes the place of the plural noun 'cats';the pronoun 'they' is the subjective form functioning as the subject of the second part of the compound sentence.

Is which appropriate pronoun?

"Which" is a relative pronoun used to introduce clauses that provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. It is appropriate to use "which" when referring to a specific thing or things within the context of the sentence.

What kind of pronoun is he?

"He" is a personal pronoun used to refer to a male person or animal. It is a subject pronoun when used at the beginning of a sentence or an object pronoun when used in the middle or end of a sentence.

What is a pronoun for castle?

The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'castle' in a sentence is it.Example: We visited King Ludwig's castle in Germany. It was very impressive.

What is the pronoun in this sentence the play was very funny?

The sentence, 'The play was very funny.' contains no pronouns. The = definite article play = noun, subject of the sentence was = verb very = adjective funny = adjective used as a noun, object of the sentence