The Abstention.
ability is the noun form of the adjective able;conversation is the noun form of the verb to converse;dependence is the noun form of the verb to depend;departure is the noun form of the verb to depart;dwelling is the noun form of the verb to dwell;favorite is the noun form of the verb to favor;happiness is the noun form of the adjective happy;information is the noun form of the verb to inform;rarity is the noun form of the adjective rare;weakness is the noun form of the adjective weak;writer is the noun form of the verb to write;writing is also a noun form of the verb to write.
The noun form of the verb "noun" is "noun-ness" or "nominalization."
The noun form of the verb "listen" is "listener."
The noun form of the verb "identify" is "identification."
The noun 'is' is a verb, a form of the verb 'to be'. The verb 'is' functions as an auxiliary verb and a linking verb.
No, it is a verb form or adjective, from the verb dehydrate. The noun form is dehydration.
"Height" is the noun form for "high," and "heighten" is the verb form.
The noun form of the verb "determine" is "determination."
The verb form of the noun "person" is "personify."
The verb form of the noun "person" is "personify."
The noun form for the verb to infuriate is infuriataion.