Linnaeus's system gave two names to each organism: a genus name followed by a species name. This naming system is known as binomial nomenclature.
Well, i believe God gave Adam the names for the animals. The biblical and scientific answers to this question are the same: man gave names to all the animals. To be specific, the bible says Adam named all the animals (Genesis 2:20). Science tell us that, over time, as humans encountered different animals, they gave them names so as to identify them to each other.
The shorthand (or symbol) to each element was proposed by different people and is not possible to list out all the names.
People had names long before the Neolithic revolution. People gave each other names to distinguish degrees of kinship and relationship. The fact that people could name items and distinguish between them allowed the neolithic revolution to occur.
They gave each other blow jobs.
They took the idea of their gods from the Greeks, but gave them different names.
they are slow
The Greeks gave them the name.
When the earliest civilisation ran out of first names for people, they gave all the good people the surname Smith. Then they just picked out random names for all of the other people.
they learned by helping each other and gave what they knon
well they just hunted or fished they gave each other bj's
Happiness. Wise.