The passengers aboard United's Flight 93, who prevented their plane from reaching its target destination by overtaking the hijackers.
The men and women of the New York Fire Departments that were at ground zero of the World Trade Centers. Risking their lives to find survivors, they worked through the night on shifts that far exceeded any duty length requirements.
The 911 attacks occurred the morning of September 11th 2001.
He was the leader of the bombing attacks
The Taliban is a terrorist group that was responsible for the 911 attacks.
Call 911 - 2008 Heroes of All Kinds 2-8 was released on: USA: 26 June 2009
Rescue 911 - 1989 Women Heroes Edition 4-8 was released on: USA: 17 November 1992
There is one with Nicholas cage called World Trade center. And also a documentary on the 911 attacks by roger Moore called Fahrenheit 911.
Homeland Security
Homeland Security
Homeland Security
American and united airlines