The first welder is John Doe.
the best way to get a good looking/ strong weld on aluminum is using a tig welder it is also possibles with a mig welder but for best results recommend a tig welder with HF
Sober and drug free.
Becoming a welder is very difficult and take a long time to complete the training. The best school in tennesse to start this training is Wyotech.
The best rig welder job will depend on a lot of different factors. You will probably want a rig job that offers a vacation of two weeks (hopefully with pay), and that gives you health benefits and 401k.
What is the yearly wage of a welder? What is the yearly wage of a welder? What is the yearly wage of a welder?
A welder generator can be purchased from several online retailers. Northerntool website has generator prices ranging from $1,500 - $27,000. Depending on a person's criteria for purchase. Their number one best selling Welder generator cost $4500.
Pipe welder?
The life expectancy of a welder is their exsperince, faith & way of life. No job takes life faster than others, god determines this only. You can be the safest welder in the world but, a tree could still be blown by the wind which falls right on the safest!
No , although Co2 may be used , along with other gasses , a welder using this process is not considered a Co2 welder . TIG stands for tungsten Inert Gas , so the welder is considered / called a TIG Welder.
best if you take it to a shop unless you have a welder.
To become a good welder it is best to train at a trades type school. Then enter the workforce and upgrade again and again (depending on your regions certification availability) DO NOT THINK you are a good welder if you can only preform one process. You will have to move around firms to gain a broader base of welding procedures and practices. Unless your firm does everything with every process. -RedSeal welder