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Q: Who is the blond in I have Got My mind Set On You video?
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When was Got My Mind Set on You created?

Got My Mind Set on You was created on 1987-10-12.

Im looking for a 80s music video with a toy claw game and maybe even a ballerina in it?'ve Got My Mind Set On You...the Archade Version...

Is a legitimate site?

It cant be Ive just got a box set from them and a lot of the video is a TV rip its even got the TV logo on the video

Which ex beatle had a number 1 in 1988?

George Harrison with 'Got My Mind Set On You'

Why won't my fibreglass set?

Turning green means the fiberglass got moldy.

Who is the actress in the video I got my mind set on you?

I would like to know too since more than 23 years :-)

Can video game be educational?

Yes video games can be very educational. People see it as a horrible addiction that you cant get rid of. That is not true at all, video games improve handicornaiton, fast reflexes, better knowledge, and can improve your mathematical skills hugely.Reasontly in the news scientist stated that the mind of a gamer can set him mind to anything and acpolishes.

What is the song used in The Mentalist advert on Five US?

If you are looking for the 2010 commericials for the Mentalist. Its a song called 'Got my Mind Set on You' by Geroge Harrison

Who is the blond actress in the new advert set in the supermarket for coca cola zero?

its cassandra bell

When was Got My Heart Set on You created?

Got My Heart Set on You was created in 1986-05.

How Many number one hits did George Harrison have?

3 My sweet Lord Give me Love (Give me peace on Earth) Got my mind set on You

Put a video on a computer?

Sure. I do it all the time. But then again, I have a computer set up to do just that. In other words, it depends on your computer, video cards, software and the like. If you've got an `el cheapo computer' it may be more difficult to accomplish.