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The Insurer is the Insurance Company which provdes insurance coverage to the insured providing for payment of a sum of money to the person assured or, failing him, to the person entitled to receive the same on the happening of certain event. It is uncertainty that is risk which gives rise to the necessity for some form of proetection against the financial losse arising from death. Insurance substitutes this uncertainty by certainty.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The insured or the insured's legal guardians (such as parents) is the policy "owner".

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Q: Who is the insurer in insurance policies?
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What are the dividends paid on life insurance policies considered to be?

The dividends paid on life insurance policies by the insurer are called reversionary bonus which varies yoy.

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"In what class of life insurance are individual life insurance policies issued to members of a group with an employer or other body collecting or remitting the premiums to the insurer?"

Can you have two general liability policies?

yes you can have as many policies as you like but no use. the insurance works on the principle of Indemnity. so in case if you have two insurance policy,you will have to declare to both the insurer, if you don't than it would be a insurance fraud. and if claim arise then both insurer will pay the claim in proportion of the premium they charged.

Are there any books which help a new Life Insurance Agent to understand how policies are made?

Please clarify what you mean by "how policies are made". If that is what you literally mean, insurance policies are drafted by the insurer for sale by producers (agents and brokers).

What are some low rate life insurance policies?

Some low rate life insurance policies are the whole life policies. Life insurance policies are contained in a contract between an insurer and the insured, stating how much would be paid to a designated beneficiary in the event of the death of the insured.

What are the essential elements of Insurance?

One essential element of insurance is to shift the risk of loss of the insured item from the client to the insurer. Other essential elements include the insurer being open to a significant loss, distributing the risk over a number of policies held by the insurer, and the premium paid by the client to the insurer.

What kinds of services such Liberty Life Insurance Company offer?

Liberty Mutual offer life insurance policies as well as car and home insurance policies. They were established in 1912 and are the third largest property and casualty insurer in the US.

If there are two different life insurance policies which insurer pays?

A life insurance policy is a contract. You can have as many as you want. They all have to pay out on the death of the insured.

What are the best companies to buy whole life insurance from?

Reputable insurance companies for whole life insurance include Gerber Life, MetLife, AllState, and Mass Mutual. Check with your auto insurer if you have car insurance, because sometimes you can combine two or more insurance policies with the same insurer and get a discount.

What type of an insurer issues participating policies?

A participating life insurance policy is one that pays a dividend to the owner. Mutual life insurance companies offer participating life insurance policies as the policyholders share in the profits of the insurance company since the policy owners are the owners of the company.

Why do property insurance policies contain exclusions?

So that the insurer is not exposed to certain risks for which they do not want to provide cover at the prices quoted.