The lady in the Xfinity commercial is Amy Poehler, a well-known actress, comedian, writer, producer, and director. She is best known for her work on the television show "Parks and Recreation" and her many appearances on "Saturday Night Live." Amy Poehler has also starred in various films and has received numerous awards for her contributions to the entertainment industry.
I thought it might be Ellen Burstyn (aged since I last saw her) but couldn't think of her name. Then I caught a bit on TV where various actors were talking on some red carpet interviews. This same actress was commenting on Matthew McConaughey's talent. I recognized her voice as the same actress as the Xfinity commerical. Her name finally came to me and I looked her up to be sure. It's Ellen Burstyn. She's very talented too. I admire her for doing this commercial. She's a crack up.
Jane Lynch
Marry The Night
The actress in the Xfinity commercial "The Future of Awesome" is Emily Chang.
I do not know, but I would sure like to have a link to it to share....Love that commercial....If you know, can you share that information?
Go to and look it up under "commercial for Santa vs. Xfinity driver."
Who is the blond actress who does the Xfinity commercials?
yes he does!
Sofia Vergara
david brenner
Steve Routman