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There is no patron saint of independence.

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Q: Who is the saint of independence?
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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gained independence on 27th October 19791979

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Saint Kitts and Nevis obtained independence from colonists in Sept. 19, 1983.

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Who led the fight for independence for saint?

Toussaint Louverture

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it was led by Toussaint-Louverture

Who led the fight for the independence for Saint Dominque?

it was led by Toussaint-Louverture

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The country that obtained its independence in February 22 1979 is Saint Lucia.

Which country got its independence in October 27 1979?

The country that obtained its independence in October 27 1979 is Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Is England celebrate his independence day?

England doesn't have an Independence Day but it does have a national day, April 23rd Saint George's Day.

Is there school on Independence Day?

Nope, It is a National Holiday. Going to school on Independence Day Stopped in the 1940s. Most Saint Lucie Schools are out for Fridays while during Independence Day.

Who led the fight for independence for Saint Dominique by American and French revolutions?

Toussaint Louverture

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The national holiday in many countries is their independence day. The national holiday in Ireland is St. Patrick's Day.