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Odin was the father of Balder, Hod and Hermod and he has a daughter named Aldrif by his wife Frigga. He was the father of Thor by the goddess Jord, and the father of Vidar by the giantess Grid.

He was also the father of the kings Sigi, Skjoldr, Yngvi, Saemingr, Sigrlami, Wecta, Beldeg, Casere, Weothulgeo, Winta, Seaxneat, and Froger, by human mothers and the god Nepr by an unknown mother.

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14y ago

Thor's sons are Magni and Modi.

Magni is Thor's son by the giantess Jarnsaxa. Modi's mother is never mentioned, but she is probably either Sif, Thor's wife, or Jarnsaxa.

Thor also has the daughter Thrud by Sif and the stepson Ullr, who is the son of Sif and an unknown father.

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12y ago

Thor only had one sibling, Loki, who was adopted

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