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peopel is born like that

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Q: Why are some people boys and some girls?
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In poptropica are boys popular to girls or girls are popular to boys?

it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.

Are the teletubies boys r girls?

There are some boys. And some girls.

Do boys and girls have the same routine in Irish dancing?

There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.There are some done by boys only, some by girls only, and some that they do together.

How can I tell if I want to be a girl?

i know this isn't the answer some people want to hear but really you can just tell if u want to be one or not. some people are girls in a boys body or boys in a girls body.

Are there more boys?

No there are more girls than boys on the planet earth!!!! GO GIRLZZZ some people might think so, but i have no idea. there might be more boys or there might be more girls. no matter how many boys or girls there are, girls will always be much better.

Can girls do anything boys can do?

yes girls can do things boys boys can do..... like for example, some boys play football. some girls play football and other sports do.

Who are more lazy girls or boys?

That has more to do with upbringing and personality than with gender. Some boys are lazier than some girls, but some girls are lazier than some boys.

Why are boys not as good as girls?

Beacuse girls can do lots of different things at the same time and still hold a conversation. Also actually i don't think some girls and better than some boys it depends on the people.

Do boys like girly girls better or tom girls better?

It depends on the boy. Boys can have different types of girls they like. Some boys like tom boys and some like girly girls.

Why do some people think boys are better at math than girls?

People don't realize that math can be both a "girl thing" and "boy thing". Some people think boys are better at math because teachers don't pay attention to girls in math. Nothing is a "girl thing" or a "boy thing", boys and girls do tend to be better at different things, but that doesn't mean that that thing is a "girl thing" or "boy thing". Girls can do better at math that boys, and boys can do better at math than girls, but that doesn't mean that all boys are better at math that all girls.

What is the ratio of boys to girls if 150 people are at a dance and 125 of them are boys?

If there are 125 boys and 25 girls, then the ratio of boys to girls would be 5:1.

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