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Read your governing documents to find the guidelines for calling meetings of the membership. These guidelines include:

  • Percentage of membership required to call such a meeting
  • Requirements for notice of meeting, including agenda
  • Percentage of membership required to be present in order to vote
  • Requirements to document the meeting in minutes
  • Practically, how the board will be constituted once the current board members are terminated.

For example, sometimes, twenty percent of members must join together to call such a meeting.

Follow the guidelines for calling the member meeting, including sending notices according to the documented process together with an agenda that includes the action item -- in your case, termination of board members.

According to the member meeting quorum guidelines, when the appropriate percentage of owners is assembled, the person running the meeting presents the motion, which is seconded, and a vote is taken. (Follow Roberts Rules of Order, for the most appropriate guide to conduct the meeting.)

Finally, develop a plan for operating the business of the association with new board members, which you may need to elect, or appoint -- if at least one elected board member remains from the old board.

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Q: How do you terminate condominium board members?
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The Secretary of State for the State of Colorado has documents on file for this legal corporation -- perhaps it's a non-profit corporation -- and the names of the board members are listed there.

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Your governing documents set out the requirements for board membership. Residency in the community may be a requirement; it may not be. Best practices, however, indicate that a resident in the community can most easily become involved in the business of operating the condominium community.

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Condominium associations are governed by: (1) State Law, (2) the documents creating the condominium, usually the Declaration of Condominium, and (3) the Bylaws of the Condominium Association.Often, a condominium association will hire a property management company to manage the day-to-day operations such as collecting assessments, paying routine bills, handling calls from unit owners, etc. The property management company will usually enter into a contract that outlines the duties and obligations of each party. That contract should contain terms including the length of the contract and methods of ending the contract early.As with any contract, there are other remedies based in contract law. For example, if the management company is not living up to their obligations in the contract, they may have "materially breached" the contract in a way that would allow the the association to terminate the contract due to that breach.Usually, a property management company will agree to terminate a contract where the arrangement is not working out. Of course, it is the association, not the property owners, who makes the decision to enter into a contract or what steps should be taken in the course of business.The Bylaws of the Association usually outline the structure of the governing body. This is usually a Board of Directors with several officers. The number of board members and how they are elected will be established by the bylaws. Often, the board will elect or appoint officers of the association such as a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.It will usually be up to the Board to make decisions regarding the hiring and firing of a property management. However, it is not unusual for a board to delegate such powers to the President of the Association.

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Read your governing documents to determine the qualifications for board membership. Usually, this is condominium ownership. If your spouse is not 'on the title' for the unit as a legal owner, make this clear when nominating the spouse for board membership, which may disqualify him/her. Another option would be to add the owner's spouse to the title.

Where can you find a sample corporate organizational chart for a condominium high rise?

You can read the governing documents and determine from them what the structure of the board of directors might be.Usually, the board is made up of an odd number of members -- to preclude tie votes -- and depending on the number of units, the number of board members may be from three to nine, or more.The board is usually a peer board, with all titles reporting to the President, who leads the board. This means a two-level organizational chart with the President alone at the top level, and all other board members on the level below.

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The answer depends on what's written in your governing documents. As well, if the husband and wife own the same condominium unit, voting is problematic, since usually only one vote per 'door' is permitted. This may complicate board votes if both are trustees -- board members -- of the association. Best practices would dictate that one or the other sit on the board -- act as a trustee -- at a time.

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Read your governing documents to determine qualifications for board service. Usually, this is limited to unit ownership. When board members serve but do not live in the community, the people who make their homes as primary residences in the community may believe that the board is uninterested and disengaged in matters that take place 'on the property'.

Where can you find a condominium organizational chart?

Your condominium association is organized based on some type of legal corporation, usually a non-profit. Your board of directors can draw an organizational chart for you, or perhaps your management company. The chart will be relatively flat, given that the members of the board must act in unison or by majority vode: no director or board member may act alone. Board members report to owners, whom they are chartered to represent based on your governing documents. NB: An operational organization chart may differ slightly from an development organizational chart. The development chart may contain a master association with several sub-associations.

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Read your governing documents to determine the qualifications for sitting on the board. Usually, election to the board is reserved for unit owners, and each board member must own at least one unit. Ownership is represented by a 'name on the title or deed to the real property'. If each family member owns a unit, there may be no issue. If, however, the family members share the same unit, then the issue arises that each unit only has one vote, and this is true, too, of board members. Finally, it's a good idea for family members who qualify to vote individually to be able to demonstrate impartiality when voting in an association when/if multiple members occupy board seats.

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If your question has to do with non-profit condominium association boards, your governing documents should be clear on this point. Most documents preclude paying board members, because the positions are strictly volunteer positions. As well, no board member -- usually -- can profit from sitting on a board voting to do business with a vendor in which the board member has an interest.

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If you mean a board member of a condominium association, a co-op or a home owners association, probably no. Read your governing documents to verify that regents/ board members cannot receive payment for services, especially if the source of revenue is assessments that all owners pay.