Choach is a slang term for a female- it comes from the spanish word 'chocha' literally vagina, and has come to mean 1.Coward or wuss. 2.Derogatory term for a girl 3.As a verb choach means to harm, injure So the phrase ''choach to burn you' could mean you don't want 'your girlfriend to diss you/ mess you up' (Burned is slang for dissed) The phrase to choach could also in itself mean to burn..."I choached myself on the BBQ grill"
it depends on the choach
You could get coach bags from macys
A burn is a stream.
Hi! I don't quite understand your question. You asked how to burn a DVD "from" a Mac. If you mean you have a Mac computer, and you want to burn a DVD on it. Then you may read this answer, it's also on wiki, the question is how to burn DVD on a Mac. And the answer should be helpful. You may read it.
overhanging bushes of the burn
not if choach brown gives lebron more money then newyorks money that there paying him he has to double the money from newyorks money
i think burn ur thing
you burn the the music after downloading it
To manage a person with burns you will first want to figure out the degree of the burn. If the burn is more than a 1st degree burn you will want to seek a health profession as these types of burns can be fatal. Otherwise clean the burn and rub with aloe vera.
you are gay if you want to know this
Because he's a jew
Mount: To set in place; Burn: To save data to.