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Q: What is the maximum grade for the superintendent of a cadet wing?
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Can commerce student enroll in national cadet corps air wing?

yeah sure!!! u can i myself is a commerce student dat is first year and i hav enrolled as ncc air wing cadet!!! i' m gonna appear for my b certificate xam in february!!

What is ncc air wing?

it is 1 of the 3 units of national cadet corps . it is useful for those who want to have a career in the IAF

How do you get to student lounge on Carnegie cadets?

Go into the West Dorm Wing and next to Alexi's Room and there is the Sign on the RIGHT side of Alexi's Room is the Cadet Lounge.

What is the Airbus A380 wing made of?

A mixture of high grade Aluminum and 20% composite materials

Does the Long Eared Owl have a courting behavior?

Yes.The male regularly performs display flight, zig-zagging between trees, sometimes rising above them, flying with deep, slow wing-beats interspersed with glides and wing-claps. Maximum rate of wing-clapping is once per three wing-beats. Females also wing-clap occasionally

How many players are in hockey?

It depends. on the ice at one time there is a total of 6 players, center, right wing, left wing, left defense, right defense, and the goalie. The maximum number on a team is 20.

How many players in hockey?

It depends. on the ice at one time there is a total of 6 players, center, right wing, left wing, left defense, right defense, and the goalie. The maximum number on a team is 20.

How do you get the wing suit in crackdown 2?

To receive the wingsuit, you must reach maximum level or level 5 in agility. Then to activate press "Y".

Is the sailboat word 'wing-to-wing' or 'wing-on-wing'?

wing and wing

How is a propeller like an airplane wing?

A propeller is almost exactly similar to an airplane wing. A propeller has the same general shape as a wing, but it is slightly distorted to obtain maximum efficiency. Also, like a wing, many propellers change shape to perform better in different areas (eg takeoff, climb, fuel efficiency, etc.). The only two major differences are 1. the size and 2. propellers spin.

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I have adjusted the tension wing nuts to the maximum position and it still reclines to easy what else can I do

What is the difference between the F-22 and the YF-23?

The F-22 had horizontal tail surfaces, whearas the YF-23 did not.The F-22 had a intake situated at the wing root, at the first quarter-line, whearas the YF-23 had a intake situated under the wing proper, at the centrelineThe F-22 has a maximum speed of Mach 2.25 (1670 mph) at altitude and Mach 1.82 (1350 mph) at supercruise, whearas the YF-23 has a maximum speed of Mach 2.2+ (1630+ mph) at altitude and Mach 1.6 (1185 mph) at supercruise.The F-22 has a wing swept at the front more than at the back, whearas the YF-23 has a triangular wing with a wing swept the same at the front and back.