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It is automatically played sideways...

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Q: Can you view movies on the zune sideways?
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Can you use your Kinect to command DVD to pause?

No, You can only pause Zune movies. I wish they made it so you can pause regular movies but you cant

How do you transer movies from a ipod onto a zune?

ya dont!

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You can make the view sideways by putting the Game Camera sideways on something.

Can i hook up my 120G zune to my tv If so how do i play movies of my zune onto my tv?

you need to buy a wall charger for your zune. if you take the back (where the cord is) off there should be three holes for three plugs.

If a Zune removes a file because the source file from the computer was deleted is there a way to recover the file that the Zune deleted?

If it's actually on your Zune device, you can view that song on the software, right click the song and "copy to my collection"

How do you put limwire movies on to your zune?

Ne, then search for videos in Limewire that has the Zune Logo where it shows the file format,download any video you want,click drag it to your zune software page,then once you have it there once again click and drag it to the Zune Icon then voila there you have it. need more info

Do you need xbox live to be able to watch sky player?

DVD movies or the zune marketplace movies no. But netflix yes you do.

What MP3 players can also play movies?

As well as the Ipod Microsoft Zune has movie support.

What movies have been filmed in Yosemite?

retards on ice look sideways (:l)

How do you activate a zune?

go to the zune website to activate them with the zune program

If you get a zune pass and download music and put it on your zune then cancel your zune pass will you keep all the music on your zune?

Whatever songs that you get when you have the zune pass you keep.

What to do if your zune isn't charing?

Check if you turned the zune on. When this happen to me, this is what I did: Plug your Zune in to the computer. Exit out of the Zune marketplace once it pops up. Your Zune should be charging.