A ipod touch costs $229 at the lowest price and $399 at the highest price.
around 400.00$ it depends how much you want to hold on you very own ipod touch. walmarts price for it is 189.00!
4th generation 8g is $199
This is the actual price: 8gb Ipod touch- 1,750 songs 10 hours of video= $229.00
The only cheaper price for an iPod touch that is lower than $199 is finding a used iPod Touch on eBay or other retail store that sells used iPod Touches. The price on the iPod Touch was just lowered a few weeks ago, so don't expect a price drop anytime soon.
The cost of a 32 GB is about $400.00. The exact price is $399.99
The average cost to make and iPod touch runs about $147.00. The price of a current iPod touch is $299.00 for a 32gb model. That's a profit of about $152.00
An 'iPod Touch song' is a song you buy from iTunes, and the price of the songs can either be $.69, $.99, or $1.29 depending on the popularity of the song.
It should be the same price as all the other iPods, in Australia, around $200 +
around 200-300 dollars
it is currently 2012,the price of an 8gb ipod touch is 199$ already.