Because he forgot 2 wash
I have it too so let me know when you get yours figured out because they need a black cure.
Christopher COlumbis the black guy from scoody doo
i forgot
If you find "forgot password" it will give you options. For example, "forgot password" "forgot email" and you can just click them both so there is a black dot in the white circle.hope this helped!
The english is "A black rabbit has seven lives"
After cleaning with soap and water, 409 or other cleaner - Windex them...or use my favorite Zep glass cleaner.
Scientist first formulated it from the laws of physics (namely relativity) and figured out what affect they would have on the space around them. Once they figured out what the effect would be, they looked out in space and saw the effect, thus proving black holes.
the sea The other guy forgot kyrueml has it :3
god was making white people & forgot about them & some got burnt.
well professor hawking was the one who figured out the theory that black holes can emit radiation