Disadvantage: They are powered on batteries
Advantage: They mke life easier
Pros are good things about something. Cons are bad things about something. So the pros and cons of an operating system are the good and bad things about it.
There are many pros and cons about management information system. One pro is that there is organization within the system being managed.
Some pros and cons of GUI in operating system are: Pros: -Easy to learn -Harder to make mistakes Cons: -Slower if you know what you want done
The pros and cons of the Linux file system include the quote saying "On a UNIX system, everything is a file, if something is not a file, it is a process". You can consider this either a pro or a con.
what were the pros and cons for the nulification
pros comfort cons no comfort if you want to heat or cool you will be using some form of hvac
pros an cons of the Oregon trail
pros are + and cons are-
pros: goodness cons: badness
PROS CONS ----------------------------------------------------- Pros: Entertaining Cons: Mental conditions can be caused, Adicition, Expensive.