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Q: What channel does the saints game come on dish network today?
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What channel does the saints play today?

No one would know unless they knew what country you were in.

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cartoon network

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If you have DISH Network, you can find Sons of Guns on The Discovery Channel- 182.

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Oxygen is available on DISH Network channel 127

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Naruto Shippuden will come on the Cartoon Channel in India.

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If you have DISH Network you can find Family Feud on The Game Show Network on channel 116.

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USA Network 25

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in do not know you tell me

Does victorious come on on nicktoons network?

No. It is only on the regular Nickelodeon channel and sometimes the Teen Nick channel.

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It varies by provider, but Cartoon Network is the primary channel. Check with your cable company.

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It doesn't you have to buy it

How did the twinkie come about?

look at "Unwrapped",which is on "Food Network" channel 40