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There's an app called Touch Pets Dogs (: there's also Touch Pets Dogs 2

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Q: What is a free app for iPod that is like the ds game nintendogs?
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Can all dogs on nintendogs get pregnant like a Dalmatian?

I've had my nintendogs game for over 2 years and I say no.

How do you finish Nintendogs plus cats by cheating?

You can't really have an ending on a game like nintendogs plus cats. This game is what is known as a simulation game. Most simulation games don't have an ending.

What is the difference between Ipod games lite and just regular?

Ipod lite games are usually free and not the full game. Kind of like a demo.While the regular more expensive games are the full game.

Who are the target audience for the Nintendogs DS game?

The intended audience for the Nintendogs DS game is for people who would like to own a dog. Or, for people who want to simulate the experience of owning a dog.

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Yes because there is a nintendogs game called nintendogs Micheal Vick edition where you have dog fights but i really don't like it i played it and it had blood.It has pitbulls bulldogs and German shepherds

Should you get a ipod touch or an xbox360?

Definitely an iPod Touch. The iPod Touch has many cool features, and costs much less than an XBox 360. Also because you have to pay like $50 for each game on the Xbox 360, but on the ipod you can get a lot of games free.

If you get appstore on your ipod touch are the apps free?

Depends.If you want to try out a game such as Assassin's Creed, you can download the lite version (Version to see what the game is like) which is normally free. A lot of the other apps are free, such as Tap Tap Revenge. Some games like Call of Duty - World at War- Zombies are at high prices such as 6.99 .Hope this helped!!!Sources:-I have an iPod Touch-My brain-Friends

What is jailbroke for a iPod touch?

it's like hacking an ipod, everyting is free on a jailbroken ipod, BUT IT'S ILEGAL!! there are like 450 free awsome apps on the ipod touch! DON'T JAILBREAK UR IPOD! and if u do want to, search utube, 1000000vids will come up......

If you can't delete your Nintendogs Dalmatian and friends is there another way?

You can clear your game but, you will have to start over like it was when you first started the game

How do you play Nintendogs on NDS?

To play Nintendogs on a Nintendo DS, you must insert the game into the back of the DS. Make sure the sticker on the game is facing towards you. Then start the DS like normal and you should play it without difficulty.

What are some good free apps on the iPod Touch?

I really like zombie farm it's a great game also try stair dismount

What is a Pocket edition game?

its a game on an iPad iPhone or iPod ----------------- | | | --- | —————– ^ | | Somthing like that