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... heavy black rain-clouds .

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

The annex is surrounded by dense trees and buildings on all sides, offering a sense of isolation and privacy. This seclusion contributes to the idea of it being a small sanctuary or haven amidst the chaotic and turbulent world outside.

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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Q: Anne describes the annex as a 'little piece of blue heaven' surrounded by what?
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What does it mean when anne frank said little piece of heaven?

When Anne Frank mentioned a "little piece of heaven," she was likely referring to moments of peace or joy amidst the difficult circumstances she was facing while hiding from the Nazis during World War II. It could signify finding solace or happiness in simple things despite the challenges and turmoil of her situation.

What is the noun for annex?

The word annex is both a noun (annex, annexes) and a verb (annex, annexes, annexing, annexed); for example: Noun: They built an annex to the hospital for outpatient services. Verb: We were able to annex the adjoining property for very little cost because it was abandoned by its owner.

Why does South Africa want to annex lesotho?

South Africa does not want to annex Lesotho. It is Lesotho that wants to be annexed. There are many reasons why: a poor economy, high HIV/AIDS rate and completely being surrounded by SA.

What was the life in an annex?

there was little food and they had to be very quiet because they were afraid they would be found

How long were the franks in the secret annex?

A little bit more than 2 years

Is annex a noun or verb?

"Annex" can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to an extension or addition to a building or land. As a verb, it means to add or attach something, typically land, to an existing territory.

What was the place where Anne Frank was captured?

Anne was captured at 263 Prinsegract in Holland. This was called the secret annex. Anne was captured at 263 Prinsegract in Holland. This was called the secret annex.She was hiding in a little annex

What is singular form of ANNEX?

"Annex" is the singular form. The plural form would be "annexes".

What is correct spelling of annex?

The correct spelling is "annex."

What is an annex building?

An annex is an extension of or an addition to a building. A small room off of a main room is an annex, and attics are another type of annex.

What is the mathematical term for annex?

It is the same: annex.

When did Mexico annex Texas?

It did not annex Texas.